The Art of Tarot: Minor Arcana 5 week series) TBD

Immerse yourself in tarot for this 5 week series which is part of our 15 week tarot certification program. This class will be on site if safe or we will meet in a virtual classroom.

We will be exploring the Minor Arcana of the tarot deck (swords, rods, coins, cups). Take an in depth look at each Suit (Fire, Water, Air & Earth), exploring the symbols, elements, numerology, history, folklore, and traditions of each card and deepening our understanding through lecture, experiential work, as well as practice readings for each other and how to read for yourself and access the helpful tools tarot offers, build confidence, share knowledge, create their own spread and refine and learn to trust their intuition.

During this class each student will gather or make the tools for each element to call in the directions and cast a circle. We will do a ritual for each element to connect deeply with the meaning of the cards.

This class is open to all levels, and all are welcome!

$175 For entire series

1. Tarot card overview
2. Minor arcana :suit of swords
3. Minor arcana: suit of rods
4. Minor arcana: suit of cups
5. Minor arcana: suit of pentacles


There are no refunds for our classes, if you must drop out we offer 50% toward another class with our program

