Havdalah is a moment of sacred transition, a bridge between the serene sanctity of Shabbat and the hum of ordinary life. It marks the closing of a sacred time—a final pause to savor the peace, reflection, and rest before stepping back into the flow of the week. This beautiful ritual is a choreography of senses:…
Read MoreNourishing Herbal Broths: Comfort and Healing in Every Season Herbal broths are a delightful way to bring the nourishing benefits of herbs, seaweeds, and medicinal mushrooms into your diet. These broths offer a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and supportive compounds that promote overall health and vitality. Perfect for sipping on their own or as…
Read MoreHerbs for Children: Fun and Tasty Recipes Introducing herbs to children can be both fun and delicious! Using creative recipes like herbal balls, popsicles, smoothies, and teas makes it easy to incorporate the benefits of herbs into everyday snacks and drinks that kids will love. These recipes are designed to be gentle, safe, and appealing,…
Read MoreHerbs for Children: Why They’re Great and Which Ones Are Safe Herbs can be wonderful allies for children’s health, offering gentle, natural support for common issues like digestion, sleep, and immune support. Unlike many over-the-counter medications, herbs often work in harmony with the body, supporting its natural processes without the harsh side effects that can…
Read MoreHerbal Education 101: How to Make Basic Oils and Salves Welcome to Herbal Education 101! Today, we’ll cover the basics of making herbal oils and salves, which are fantastic for creating your own natural, soothing remedies at home. These simple, effective preparations are easy to make and can be customized to suit your needs. We’ll…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Sleep and How to Enhance Your Sleep Routine At Ace of Cups, we know that good sleep is key to feeling your best. It’s not just about getting rest—sleep impacts everything from your mood to your immune system. Let’s dive into why sleep matters and some simple ways to improve your sleep…
Read MoreSHOULDER SEQUENCE Tadasana Urdhva hastasana Urdhva baddhaguliyasana Namaskara Gomukhasana Adho mukha svanasana at wall Chaturanga-stability scapula Adho mukha Virasana 1 Virasana 2 Trikonasana Utthita parsva konasana Hang in uttanasana Prasarita padottanasana Setu bandha sarvangasana Salamba sarvangasana Marichyasana 1 Janu sirsasana Savasana
Read MoreLEVEL ONE SEQUENCE 1 tadasana vrksasana utthita trikonasana virabhadrasana 2 utthita parsvokonasana virabhadrasana 1 ardha chandrasana parsvottanasana prasarita padottanasana adho mukha svanasana dandasana virasana upavistha konasana baddha konasana janu sirsasana paschimottanasana bharadvajasana setubanda sarvangasana salamba sarvangasana eka pada sarvangasana halasana setu bhanda sarvangasana viparita karani savasana LEVEL ONE SEQUENCE 2 Samasthiti Urdhva hastasana Namaskara Parsva…
Read MoreBEGINNER SEQUENCE ONE tadasana urdhva hastasana urdhva buddanguliyasana utthita hasta padasana parsva hasta padmasana vrksasana utthita trikonasana prasarita padottanasana dandasana urdhva hasta dandasana padangusthasana dandasana adho mukha svanasana urdhva mukha svanasana salamba sarvangasana halasana paschimottanasana savasana BEGINNER SEQUENCE TWO tadasana urdhva baddangulyiasana gomukhasana paschima namaskarasana vrksasana utkatasana utthita trikonasana virabhadrasana 2 utthita parsvokanasana vimanasana virabhadrasana…
Read MoreMaking Herbal Syrups: A Fun and Effective Way to Enjoy Your Herbs Herbal syrups are a wonderful and versatile way to incorporate the benefits of herbs into your daily routine, especially for herbs that might not taste great on their own. Not only are they easy to make, but they’re also a fun activity to…
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