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Injury Prevention in Yoga Asana (For teachers and students)

January 26, 2023

INJURY PREVENTION IN YOGA ASANA Injury Prevention Injury can happen in yoga class and if it happens to beginners they are likely to never return to your class or yoga in general. It is our job, as teachers, to make beginners safe, supported and excited about the prospect of joining those already on the yogic…

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Meet the Iliotibial Tract

January 26, 2023

MEET THE ILIOTIBIAL TRACT Introducing the IT band, the fibrous band that extends from the hip down past the knee along the outer thigh. The IT band is made up of an elastic connective tissue known as fascia. The IT band is a knee stabilizer, connects the hip to the knee, and is essential for…

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Stress the Silent Killer

January 26, 2023

STRESS THE SILENT KILLER But have no fear massage, yoga, nature and meditation are just some techniques that can help to keep stress under control. As homo sapiens were evolving, we developed the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The main purpose of the sympathetic nervous system is stress and danger response; once the danger/stressor has…

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Chakras and the relationship to the endocrine system

January 26, 2023

CHAKRA SYSTEM has a correlation to the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Understanding how the chakras and the endocrine glands relate opens the opportunity for insight into the body. Each endocrine gland has a relative or corresponding chakra. Understanding these connections provides tools to assist in venturing deeper into the relationship of science and ancient philosophy, in other…

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Herbal Actions Vocabulary

January 26, 2023

PLANT-CESTORS If you are new to working with our plant-cestors and incorporating the use of herbs into your life, you may have discovered that the study of herbs seems to have its very own language. An important aspect of herbalism is being able to communicate the actions of the herbs. Below is a list of…

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18 Self Care Practices

January 19, 2023

Self-care is essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s important to make time for yourself and practice self-care regularly. Here are 18 self-care practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and balanced. Take a relaxing bath with candles, epsom salt, and leave your phone in…

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18 Techniques to get to know your tarot cards

January 19, 2023

Getting to know your tarot cards can be a fun and enlightening experience. The tarot is a powerful tool for self-discovery, insight, and guidance, and the more you spend time and connect with your cards, the more effective and accurate your readings will be. Here are 18 techniques to help you get to know your…

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The Art of Herbal Tea Blending

January 17, 2023

Blending your own herbal teas can be a fun and creative way to learn about herbs and their benefits. Herbs have been used for centuries to promote health and well-being, and they can be a great way to support your body, mind, and soul. Before blending, it’s important to get to know each herb as…

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10 simple self care practices to incorporate into your daily routine:

December 23, 2022

Self care is the practice of taking care of your physic al, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s an important aspect of maintaining overall health and happiness, and it’s something that everyone should prioritize. If you’re looking to start incorporating self care into your daily routine, here are 10 simple practices to consider: Take breaks from screens:…

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The Role of Self Care in Overcoming Burnout

December 22, 2022

Burnout is a common problem faced by many people, especially those in high-stress careers or those who are constantly on the go. It is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and a lack of accomplishment, and it can have serious negative consequences on both physical and mental health. One of the most effective ways to…

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